Saturday, February 21, 2009

if you only knew.

today i had to go grocery shopping with my dad, and yes HAD to go, because my mother just had surgery a week ago and it would be too slow to drag her around lol.

so here me and my dad are with a list, a shopping cart, surrounded by a million k-state students
in walmart....

can you already picture it? me with very little patience and my dad who can well basically be like a five year old at time... getting a better picture now i bet lol.

and to make it even more crazy im not very good with knowing where things are in walmart
im a commissary kind of girl...

so there we are going aisle to aisle and ppl are laughing because i keep saying dad i swear to God if you don't get back here or i swear to God if you walk away again and so on....which in turn kind of makes me laugh...

i love my dad i do, but he can be such a kid and idk im not a mom last i
well it ended with no one getting hurt and now he just keeps looking at me and laughing
because we both know about all the fun we had today.

and to think my day couldn't get worse i spilled melted butter in the kitchen, i swear im such an idiot, but oh well lol. i have to go i just wrote this to make some person happy : )

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


So I've realized, I can't really go to bed before 11:30 on a school night before. It's quite frustrating actually. I don't have any clue what I do with most of my day to make me stay up until then, but I'd really like to know. I usually don't start my homework until seven, so that's probably what it is. But I need some sort of buffer between going to school and starting on homework. Do you know how unmotivating it is to go from work to more work? Well, if you couldn't figure it out, the answer is supposed to be a lot. My mom tells me I have bad study habits, and that's probably true. But I just really dislike starting my homework too early. Oh well. I can handle going to bed at the time I do. It just gets tiring.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

School isn't fun anymore

It used to seem like there were some days where school was actually fun. You know. Coach G was really funny that day or we had a free day in AP Chem or we watched an actual popular movie. But nowadays, it seems like school isn't ever any fun at all. It's just such a chore. I mean I'm basically just killing time until college season starts to roll in. I don't really have anything to do other than my AP classes, but I truly only feel prepared for 1.5 of those exams out of three. Take your guess on which (hint: not calculus). Sigh. I guess the main point is I just want to do something like watch the Dark Knight for no educational reason whatsoever.

my good deed for the day...

so today was hectic my mom needed to go to an appointment, my dad had to drive her and my lovely sister had to do something from school. so no one was able to pick me up from school right away, so me being nice opted to walk home from school. around seventh hour i asked a friend how far our neighborhood was and she assured me not that far, but at least 2.5 miles, okay well i can do 2.5 miles i mean i can do 5 lol, but it turned out to not be all that i waited for all day. and yes this was my excitement for the you can laugh. well the wind was blowing and about knocked me over a million times, yes a slight exaggeration on how many times, but not on the blowing me....btw get your mind out of the gutter when you read that well about an hour later i was home, now basically what im telling you is don't be the nice person, you end up getting blown down...just saying.

and american idol is on tonight, watch it mhmm

Monday, February 16, 2009


On Sunday my church youth group decided to go to Nashville and play GlowGolf. It's pretty much mini-golf but with uv lights. Sounds kind of lame, yet it is actually entertaining. At least a lot better than Putt-Putt (or should I say Putter-Z). So we left church and drove up to Opry Mills. Ate lunch. Then we GlowGolfed. The thing that was nice about the place was that they could've just relied on the novelty of the lights, but they didn't. Many of the holes were actually pretty creative. The whole place overall had a very self-made feeling, but that's not necessarily bad. They had this thing they called the "Glow Machine" where you put your golf ball in and came back glowing. Very cool. You should try it sometime.


so my co-author nick, he is a pretty great guy, who happens to be too smart for his own good. he is right, however, we have only "known" each other for about five months, because back when i did live in tennessee with him, he didn't exactly talk to me. he is a pretty funny guy, most the time, i try not to compliment him too much for his ego is big enough as is. so nick after high school wants to do some smart people's job that i barely get so i ask him alot what it even is, therefore he will have to tell you what he wants to be when he grows up. he said i could type just about anything in this intro, but ill just say he is a nice guy, with big goals, who will prly end up rich with a hot wife, so he is def. someone you might want to befriend, just saying.

beth ann

So let me introduce to this little girlie I know. Her name's beth ann and she's sitting on Death Row. Haha. Just kidding. I did it for the rhyme. Seriously, though. This post is about my co-author on this blog, beth ann. Currently, she lives in Manhattan, Kansas and hates it there. She's cute, smart, and funny. I've actually only known her for about five months now, but she's a great friend of mine. She wants to be a flight attendant for a few years out of college, and I think that's pretty cool. Well, I'm sure you'll enjoy her on here. I do believe I am now done with this intro post.